Everything is A-OK

Any problems that our system didn't detect? Use the big blue button at the top and contact support 👍

Our monitoring system is keeping a close eye on everything, any problems and it will automatically notify us to investigate


GalaxyMC Hosting website & infrastructure used by clients

Healthy99.99%(CLIENT) UK Minecraft 1
Healthy99.77%(IN-HOUSE) Mail Server
Healthy99.97%(CLIENT+IN-HOUSE) UK MySQL Database
Healthy99.93%Billing Portal
Healthy99.96%Database Control Panel
Healthy99.75%E-Mail Control Panel
Healthy99.95%Minecraft Control Panel


GalaxyMC website & miscellaneous services

Healthy99.79%Discord Bot
Healthy99.89%Discord Ticket Bot
Healthy99.97%Public API
Healthy83.75%Status Page